
Semantik för dagensskiva.com: Microformats

Postat: 2005-03-16 kl. 23.00

Webgraphics skriver om att Tantek Çelik och Eric Meyer talade om Microformats på SXSW:

A one second summary: informally formalizing small bits of markup that others can adopt and improve.

webgraphics Microformats (2005-03-14)

Och kanske är det här jag hittar min semantik för nästa version av dagensskiva.com? Tidigare har jag mest funderat över class:er och vilka taggar som skulle kunna användas, men kanske kan idéer från detta användas?

Eric Meyer talade om Emergent Semantics:

To make the Web a smarter medium, semantics are needed to describe the nature of information. For some time, the W3C's vision of the Semantic Web has promised much but delivered little. While committees debate and refine, a mostly ad-hoc grassroots "lowercase semantic web" has begun to emerge and evolve. /.../ Best of all, nobody knows where it is going, because anyone can participate.

Tantek Çelik om The Elements of Meaningful XHTML: (hans slides)

Designers are using XHTML and CSS to efficiently and beautifully separate markup from presentation. /.../ Tantek will explore how to create, use, and reuse XHTML building blocks, both as originally defined, and as new microformats built from XHTML by the web standards community for people, conversations, social relationships, events, tags, presentations and other uses.


Kategori: XHTML

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