
Hilary Rosen om iPods och frihet

Postat: 2005-05-10 kl. 14.14

Sen hon slutade som ordförande för IFPI kan Hilary Rosen uttala sig lite friare om utvecklingen i musikbranschen.

I spent 17 years in the music business the last several of which were all about pushing and prodding the painful development of legitimate on-line music. Now, the music fan is on the cusp of riches in their options - free of the viruses of the pirate sites. There are lots of places you can go for great music at good deals and with a deep catalog of songs from over the last 20 or 30 years. MSN.com, Rhapsody.com, aolmusic.com, even walmart.com. There are little players to make your favorite music even more portable than ever starting at as little as 29 bucks. Most every player device works at every one of these “stores” and it is pretty easy to keep all the songs, no matter where you got them, in a single folder or "jukebox" on your computer.

But not the iPod. Most agree it is the best quality player on the market even if the cheapest one costs a few hundred dollars. The problem is that the iPod only works with either songs that you buy from the on-line Apple iTunes store or songs that you rip from your own CD’s. But those other music sites have lots of music that you can’t get at the iTunes store. So, if you have an iPod, you are out of luck.

The Huffington Post Steve Jobs, Let my Music Go (2005-05-09)

Problemet är ju också det omvända. Windows Media med DRM fungerar inte på någon annan plattform än Wintel. AAC med FairPlay DRM fungerar på både Mac och Wintel. Men naturligtvis är det ett problem när den marknadsledande spelaren, just nu, inte släpper in någon mer.

Is taking a page out of their [Microsofts, min anmärkning] playbook the only way to have a successful business? If he isn’t careful Bill Gates might just Betamax him while the crowds cheer him on.


Det Apple borde göra är att licensiera FairPlay. För det måste de sluta slåss med Real och slå nya dealar med de andra stora butikerna. Släpper de in Windows Media Audio i iPod:en förlorar de. Men eftersom de ändå inte tjänar särskilt mycket pengar på att sälja musik genom iTunes Music Store idag borde det inte vara ett problem. Det finns säkert med i planerna att släppa in andra aktörer när deras egen marknadsandel börjar tappa. Men frågan är om det inte är för sent då?

Uppdatering (2005-05-13)

One of the strongest proponents of DRM has been the recording industry. Past RIAA ceo Hilary Rosen recently sent a letter to Apple complaining about the fact that she could not copy her music to competing media players, even though this the intended purpose of the DRM which her industry demanded that Apple adopt with their iTunes service.

p2pnet Control through DRM (2005-05-10)

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