Matte med RIAA
RIAA hävdar att musikbranschen förlorar pengar på nedladdning. RIAA stämmer därför filnedladdare på tusentals dollar. I februari gjorde Boing Boing kopplingen mellan förlorade intäkter för skivbranschen och de nya prenumerationstjänsterna:
If you can download an unlimited number of songs via napster and play them for as long as you continue to subscribe, then the maximum loss the RIAA suffers from a single downloader cannot exceed $15/month no matter how many songs a person downloads.
Boing Boing Napster-to-Go reviewed, math done (2005-02-13)
The Big Picture fortsätter med Yahoo! Music Unlimited och deras $6/månad för prenumerationstjänsten:
It turned out that the claims were greatly exaggerated. Using the concept of substitution, a consumer could replace the free P2P music sourcing by paying Napster $180 per year, or Rhapsody (Real Networks) only $120 per year.
Now Yahoo steps into the fray, and lowers the cost of annual "all-you-can-eat" music consumption to $60 per year. Over the course of a decade, that amounts to
$1,800$1,200$600.The Big Picture The Math Gets Even Worse for the RIAA (2005-05-11)
Kategori: Nedladdningsmarknaden