
Orgasm är avsaknad av rädsla

Postat: 2005-08-02 kl. 23.37

Holstege set out to discover if there was a "hardware of sex" in humans. Using a PET scan, he scanned the brains of volunteers who, working with a "stimulator," allowed their minds to be read by the machine during orgasm. The doctor found that, in that moment, the human brain deactivates the impulse towards fear.

Suicide Girls Sex on the Brain (2005-08-02)

The finding of this deactivation of fear, it's not so strange, although I did not know what to expect. But you could ask yourself: "What is the feeling of happiness?" And perhaps the feeling of happiness you feel during orgasm is nothing else but the complete lack of fear.

Nerve Sex on the Brain (2005-08-01)

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