
2011 är 22 % av musikmarknaden digital

Postat: 2007-01-14 kl. 16.16

Jupiter Research släppte i förra veckan en rapport om hur stor den digitala delen av USA:s musikmarknad kommer vara 2011 och utan att räkna in ringsignalsmarknaden räknar de med att andelen för digitalt nedladdad musik kommer vara 22 % 2011, med en årlig ökning på 16 %.

[B]y 2011 digital music sales will account for 22% of all U.S. recorded music sales, or $2.5 billion. The forecasted digital growth rate is 16% compounded annually. "As detailed in our research, the music download business will remain a sampling medium for many users rather than a CD replacement," said David Schatsky, president of JupiterKagan.

Part of that $2.5 billion figure comes from subscription services. Jupiter sees a 32% compounded annually growth rate through 2011 from music subscription services. Card wrote that "on-demand subscription services will appeal primarily to niche audiences among music aficionados," just as they do now

I Jupiter Researchs blogg sammanfattar David Card, som skrivit rapporten:

Digital sales will not compensate for lost CD sales in the five-year horizon, nor will they return the overall industry to growth. But digital music and ring tones are where the growth is.

JupiterResearch - David Card JupiterResearch US Digital Music Forecast (2007-01-08)



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