
XUL vs XAML (Browser Wars 2)

Postat: 2003-10-31 kl. 13.37

Precis när jag listat ut vad XUL är ser jag en kommentar hos Web Standards Project om XAML. Och det är inte utan att man börjar garva lite lätt.

Specifically, it would appear that this new Application Markup Language (XAML) works in concert with a subsystem code-named Avalon in both a web and operating system environment (see paragraph above figure 2). XAML is XML, according to Microsoft, which brings the desktop to the web, and the web to the desktop in a way we have yet to experience on a large scale.Specifically, it would appear that this new Application Markup Language (XAML) works in concert with a subsystem code-named Avalon in both a web and operating system environment (see paragraph above figure 2). XAML is XML, according to Microsoft, which brings the desktop to the web, and the web to the desktop in a way we have yet to experience on a large scale.

Which sounds exactly like XUL to a lot of people. While competition is good, concerns have been voiced that Microsoft's XAML brings us back to 1997, and the browser wars of the era, with Mozilla (and Safari) going head-to-head against the Microsoft juggernaut.

(Webstandards: Longhorn and XAML)

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