MT-Blacklist is a plugin for Movable Type which provides for content-based blocking and one-step cleanup of comment and trackback spam. The tool utilizes an owner-edited blacklist of strings (or regular expressions) commonly used by spammers to block spam before it is posted to the website and to identify any which gets through the first line of defense for rapid deletion.
MT-Blacklist About MT-Blacklist and Comment Spam
Frid. Är väl vad jag känner mest i det här fallet. Just nu i alla fall. Får väl se om det funkar också, men det verkar det ju faktiskt göra.
Hade lite problem med att installera det.
Thanks to Porter Glendinning (who was the FIRST person having the Can’t locate object method “load” via package “MT::PluginData” error and access to his server’s error logs), I believe that I have figured out the error (the full text of which can be seen in the last entry).
For the less technically inclined, that means you have to use the less easy path in the documentation, thereby bypassing the use of PluginData and Storable in exchange for YAML.
Ta-dum. Mystery solved. Use YAML.
Comment Spam Clearinghouse PluginData load error
Och det gjorde ju tricket. Har pestat c lite om det, men till ingen lösning. Fast det verkar ju vara ett mer generellt problem eftersom jag fick samma felmeddelande som ovan. Och när jag tog the less easy path så funkade det ju.
Så begone evil spammers.
Uppdatering 2004-11-10
Sedan sista juni i är när jag tömde activity log sist har MT-Blacklist refuserat 9872 spam-kommentarer. Och det är bara de som inte kommit in.