
Napster i problem?

Postat: 2006-01-21 kl. 19.42

I Apples kvartalsrapport för fjärde kvartalet 2005 berättade man att iTunes Music Store har 83 % av marknaden i USA för digital försäljning av musik. Det lämnar endast 17 % för Napster, MSN, Rhapsody, Virgin Digital, Yahoo! Music med flera. Den kakan kanske är allt för liten:

Ahead of a Napster earnings call in early February, reports of a dire company situation have emerged. According to sources inside the organization, a substantial round of layoffs is expected within weeks. [...] In comments to Digital Music News, the sources noted that executives at the company are also reportedly considering various exit options, including a fire sale or liquidation. A Napster representative countered the claims, noting that there are "no imminent plans for significant layoffs," while denying any intentions to liquidate or sell the company.

Å andra sidan, kanske för att stoppa ryktesspridningen, har Napster meddelat att de fördubblat sin prenumerantkrets under 2005 - till 500 000 prenumeranter:

Napster has recently reported a subscriber base of 500,000 [...]. The increase represents a 100 percent jump over subscriber totals at the same point last year. "Doubling our subscribers over the last twelve months demonstrates the mass market potential of our music subscription model and the powerful appeal of Napster to music fans who want it all," said Chris Gorog, chairman and CEO of Napster. The company also pointed to a total of 50,000 subscribers from its university programs.

Digital Music News Napster Crosses 500,000 Subscribers (2006-01-19)

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