
BusinessWeek och Castronova om Second Life/MMOG

Postat: 2006-05-02 kl. 00.16


Förra numret av BusinessWeek har en cover story om MMOG-spel och Second Life i synnerhet. O'Reilly Radar kommenterar:

On Saturday, at the Maker Faire, Beth Goza of Second Life excitedly showed me the magazine, turning to the table of contents and showing me the picture of her avatar: "That's me!" she said. She sheepishly added that people who didn't spend as much time in SL as she does might not understand, but to her, it is just as much her picture as a photograph of her first-life body.

O'Reilly Radar Second Life on the Cover of Business Week (2006-04-24)

På omslaget syns Anshe Chung och artikeln börjar så här:

As I step onto the polished wood floor of the peaceful Chinese country house, a fountain gurgles softly and a light breeze stirs the scarlet curtain in a doorway. Clad in a stylish blue-and-purple dress, Anshe Chung waves me to a low seat at a table set with bowls of white rice and cups of green tea. I'm here to ask her about her booming land development business, which she has built from nothing two years ago to an operation of 17 people around the world today. As we chat, her story sounds like a classic tale of entrepreneurship.

Except I've left out one small detail: Chung's land, her beautifully appointed home, the steam rising from the teacups -- they don't exist.

BuseinessWeek My Virtual Life (2006-05-01)

Tyvärr är podradioprogrammet om storyn lite väl oengagerande men artiklarna är bättre. My Virtual Life, The Online Universe: An Old Fogey's Guide, It's Not All Fun And Games, Virtual Worlds, Virtual Economies, Virtual Land, Real Money och kanske bäst av allt är de små berättelserna om avatarer och deras mänskliga motsvarigheter.

Edward Castronova

Artikeln Virtual Worlds, Virtual Economies är en intervju med Edward Castronova, författaren till Synthetic Worlds: The Business and Culture of Online Games.

Uppdatering (07.55)

Han pratar bland annat om sin rädsla för hur fenomenet växer men dubblerar naturligtvis även med sin fascination:

I like the body. I was watching a ballet recently. I was crying because I was thinking the bodies are so beautiful, and we're losing the body. I'm just afraid of losing the body.

At the same time, I love playing these games. Also, I have a kid. I also think, well, I should introduce him to these worlds at an early age so it's very natural for us when I'm older to go hang out together no matter where he lives.

BusinessWeek Virtual Worlds, Virtual Economies (2006-05-01)

Och om Second Life:s lockelse:

I think the question is the ratio of content creators to content consumers, and keeping that healthy. You want to have enough creation, but you also need to have consumption. You need to have creation that people consume for the world to be lively.


IT Conversations

Ungefär samtidigt passade IT Conversations på att publicera hans tal, Gold From Thin Air: The Economy of Virtual Worlds, från PopTech 2005. Jag har inte lyssnat ännu, men ska göra det i morgon.

Uppdatering (09.12)

Jag lyssnade på vägen till jobbet. Tyvärr var hans tal alldeles för grunt och väldigt mycket för åhörare som såg hans slides och när han faktiskt spelade World of Warcraft under sitt tal. Boring.

I want the nerdy stuff, inte översikter.


Kategori: MMOG, Podradio

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