
Open Source Radio: Podcastradiostation

Postat: 2005-04-27 kl. 21.43

Infinity Broadcasting, which recently announced its new media initiatives, will launch the first-ever podcasting radio station. Using content created exclusively by listener podcasts, the station, KYOURADIO will launch May 16 on Talk KYCY-AM in San Francisco and streamed online.

Billboard Postplay Infinity Launches First Podcasting Radio Station (2005-04-27)

Att de tar med podcasting i det hela handlar väl om buzz. Men vadårå. Det är ju riktigt coolt ändå. KYOURADIO ska sända innehåll som deras lyssnare sänder till dem, i form av podcastsändningar eller något annat.

Do you have the feeling that things are moving faster than they were a year ago, or even a few months ago?


Take podcasting for example. It didn't exist 10 months ago. Now it seems that a day doesn't go by without an article appearing somewhere talking about something related to podcasting.


KYOURADIO is the first radio station in the world to get all of its programming from podcasts. Everyday we'll feature new, innovative and cutting edge programs produced by people like you. Your original thoughts and sounds will be broadcast in San Francisco on the revolutionary 1550 KYCY-AM and streamed worldwide at KYOURADIO.com.

KYOURADIO (2005-04)

Det fina med det är att de egentligen bara förmedlar innehållet, programmakarna behåller allt själva och kan därmed fortfarande podcasta sitt program eller sälja det någon annan stans till och med.

Hollander said Infinity does not plan to assert ownership claims on content submitted by podcasters, who will remain free to publish their podcasts on the internet -- or anywhere else they choose.

"They can give it to us and give it to somebody else, because we're not taking anything away from them," Hollander said. "We're just helping them reach a broader audience with our bandwidth."

Enligt Wired-artikeln gör de det här för att deras nuvarande format inte ger tillräckligt med pengar och att användargenererad radio inte kostar dem särskilt mycket pengar. Det är värt ett försök, helt enkelt. Fränt. The World 2.0.

Det känns som SR behöver ändra formerna för Frispel.

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Kategori: Podradio

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