
Home Taping is Killing Music, Again

Postat: 2006-01-23 kl. 08.28

I IFPI:s rapport [pdf] över hur läget är för musikindustrin tar de upp problem som de ser på horisonten. Det fånigaste är det här:

Since tape recorders became available, people have recorded broadcasts from their radios, which has not been problematic – they can listen to the programme at a time more convenient to them. Digital stream ripping, however, is a different challenge. Today’s technologies can not only record continuous programmes (a radio show for example), they can, through what is known as ‘digital stream ripping’, automatically identify and separate individual tracks from digital broadcasts and store them for future playback. In effect, a broadcast can be turned into a library of free downloads. For a music industry which has made enormous investments in creating legal, paid-for download services, this presents a significant threat.

If digital services are to be licensed as radio, rather than as on-demand services, they need to implement appropriate technical controls to ensure that they complement and do not undermine on-demand sales services. Allowing digital stream ripping to go unchecked will be hugely damaging to the music industry. Each song saved and stored as an MP3 is a lost sales opportunity to a digital music store or subscription service, as well as to the songwriter, artist and other rights holders.

IFPI IFPI:06 Digital Music Report [pdf] (2006-01)

1. Ska vi försöka minnas tillbaka till vad de sa då? Var det sant då?

2. Jag kunde göra samma sak med radio och kassetter. Jag tror de illasinnade verktygen kallades för inspelnings-knapp och paus-knapp.

3. Det här är inte något som kommer. Vi är redan i den här verkligheten och det är inte ett problem.

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